Sarah Pink
- Emerging technologies
Digital futures
Design anthropology
Technologies as services
We need to design new technologies with attention to their status as emerging and open.
Sarah Pink (PhD FASSA) is Professor and Director of the Emerging Technologies Research Lab at Monash University, across the Faculties of Information Technology and of Art, Design and Architecture. She is also visiting Professor in the School of Design at Loughborough University (UK), Associate Director of Monash Energy Institute, and co-leader of the People Programme and leader of the Transport Mobilities Focus Area in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Automated Decision-Making & Society. Sarah’s single authored and collaborative books include Doing Visual Ethnography (4th Edition 2021) and Anthropologies and Futures (2017). In 2022 she will publish the co-edited book Everyday Automation, the co-authored Design Ethnography and she is just finishing her sole authored book Emerging Technologies: life at the edge of the future and the co-edited book Energy Futures.