Dr. Dave Murray-Rust
- Human-algorithm interaction
Digital ethnography
Human-centered AI
Interaction design
Design is a way to understand the entanglements of humans and technology, and create the kinds of futures with want to live in.
Dave Murray-Rust is an Associate Professor in Human-Algorithm Interaction Design at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft. He explores the messy terrain between people, data, algorithms, and things through a combination of making and thinking to build better futures for humans and AI. He also holds an Honorary Fellowship with the University of Edinburgh. His work focuses on systems that use data as a medium for design while exploring social and technical issues and the agencies between humans and machines. It is multidisciplinary, touching on computer science, design theories, design ethnography, and digital sociology. This involves questions such as how to design the interactions that let machine learning algorithms develop amicable co-dependencies with humans and how artificial intelligence can make sense of human behaviour to support design insights. He also looks at how designerly approaches can improve the understanding and creation of data-driven systems and improve the societal functioning of AI as a discipline.