John Vines
- Digital civics
Inclusive FinTech
Digital health & well-being
Participatory design
To design the future of care, we must understand it as a complex system represented by different values and value.
John Vines is Professor of Design Informatics in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, and leads the “Value in Networks of Informal Care” component of the Advanced Care Research Centre. He is a designer by training and works at the intersection of design, computing and social studies of technology.
His research is in the fields of human-computer interaction and interaction design and focuses on how people experience and use data-driven technologies in their everyday lives. His projects often take a participatory and research through design approach, which involves designing prototypes with people, users and stakeholders and studying the use of new technologies in real-world contexts. He works on projects across a wide range of subjects but has specific expertise in technology design in relation to ageing and the life course, personal and community health and wellbeing, personal finance and socially inclusive economies, and civic engagement and civil society.