Photo: Rhianne Jones

Rhianne Jones

Dr Rhianne Jones’ research examines the intersection of public values and data driven technology. She leads BBC R&D’s Responsible Innovation work: a multidisciplinary programme of research & innovation at the BBC focused on value aligned technology and its impacts on people and society.

Rhianne holds a PhD in digital media and society, and MA in social research and holds professional qualifications in data ethics, law, policy and regulation, AI ethics and society, and public policy analysis. Rhianne leads the BBC’s engagement with AHRC BRAID programme, the ESRC Digital Good Network, the EPSRC Centre for Digital Citizensand Elsa-funded AI Media & Democracy Lab. She also holds strategic advisory roles for TAS- Trusted Autonomous Systems, Horizon Digital Economy Research, and Nuffield’s Living with Data programme.

Rhianne’s work at the BBC involves close collaboration with academic and industry partners to deliver well timed research to inform technology, policy and strategy – she is particularly committed to building social science & humanities capacity in emerging technology and innovation cultures at the BBC and beyond. Her research has been published in journals including Big Data and Society, Digital Journalism and her innovation work has been featured in BBC Click and exhibited in the Museum of Science and Technology (The history of the BBC in 100 objects) as part of the BBC centenary celebrations.