Dr. Heather Wiltse
- Design theory and philosophy
Philosophy of technology
Critical design studies
In order to understand what connected things are and do, we need to shift focus from functions and uses to roles and relations.
Heather Wiltse is an associate professor in design for the data-intensive society at Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University. Her transdisciplinary research centres around trying to understand, articulate, and critique the role of digitally connected, responsive, and data-intensive things in experience and society in ways that can inform response-able design. Building on a background in human-computer interaction, science and technology studies, design, and communication and culture, Heather’s research focus is currently on the intersection of design theory and philosophy of technology. Her recent books are “Changing Things: The Future of Objects in a Digital World” (with Johan Redström, Bloomsbury 2019); and (as editor) “Relating to Things: Design, Technology and the Artificial” (Bloomsbury, 2020).