Dr. Saskia Bakker
- Human-AI collaboration
Human-centered AI
Data-enabled design
Experience design
Clinical decision support systems
Data and AI should be treated as a design material in the creative process and impact people’s lives through meaningful experiences.
Saskia Bakker (PhD) is a senior data designer and associate design director at Philips Experience Design. She leads the design innovation program on UI Innovations. Her work focuses on collaboration between clinicians and AI in the context of clinical decision support. She works with AI research colleagues and clinical partners to understand how to design AI-enabled solutions that provide clinicians with added value, fit seamlessly in their workflow, and instil an appropriate level of trust in the AI’s capabilities. Before joining Philips in 2019, she worked as an assistant professor in the Industrial Design department of the Eindhoven University of Technology. She held visiting lecturer positions at the UCL Interaction Centre (London, UK) and the Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media group at LMU (Munich, Germany). Saskia is a member of the steering committee of the ACM conference series on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI).